Tuesday, April 21, 2009

So much to ransom, so little time....

So today me and a corp mate were out hunting in Dal. after about 10 to 20 mins we locate a rifter.

my corp mate Kalreck warps in to confirm his location and upon arrival i am told to warp to his location. I warp in to find Kalreck already engaged and i join him. the fight was easy with just the basic tacticts of orbit at 500, scramble, web, and open fire.

upon taking his shields and armor down in seconds, we are now at his structure. keep in mind we have angels attacking us AND him. so we continue firing at his structure to finish the job...here is where things get funny...well funny to me and Kalreck at least. at 10% structure he sends the convo invite... he is at 10%... between latency and actually opening the convo, it was not enough time for me to cease fire AND tell Kalreck to cease with out blowing him up.

i ceased fire and opened convo, but like i said, not enough time and his ship popped. as his ship blows up he says cease fire he will pay ransom, obviously not noticing it is to late. as he notices what has just happened, he proceeds to call me a dipshit and immiedietly leave convo.

we get point on his pod and Kalreck opens convo for another attempt at ransom. at this point he says in local he was willing to do a ship ransom, but the pod ransom isnt worth it as he has no implants and "orders" us to pod kill him... we obliege and kill him...guess he has a new body to brake in now....

we then loot his wreck and wait for our cool downs to end... his loot sold for a little over 40k.... sigh... so the moral of the story is, 10% structure is not enough time to open a convo for ransom when you have 2 pirates, a npc, and latency against you... and dont call someone else a dipshit for your own mistake...

overall i found the whole thing funny and was glad to add another kill to the killboard :P

until next time, fly safe :)

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