Tuesday, April 21, 2009

a pirates life is the life for me!

I started playing this game about 2 weeks ago, after two days of the trial i was already sold and bought a full account. after about two days of carebear mission runs and mining i decided to look into the pvp side of EVE.

after doing a little research and seeing what it had to offer i found pirating, it looked so cool! hunting down your prey and opening fire on them with no remorse, taking their cargo and holding their little egg for ransom, seemed great!

so after looking up some of the most recommended guides, i was sold, i was going to play this game as a pirate. YARR!

i then went to the EVE forums to find a corp willing to take in a learning pirate, and help me in the event that i need it. i had a few offers, but the one that looked the most friendly and promising was Pyrotechnics Inc. i jumped on the offer and was off to amamake to throw in my application.

upon joining i realized i made the right choice, lots of good guys willing to help and have a good time hunting for prey. since then i have been learning at a rapid rate, between reading all the guides and info i can find, and the help my corp has given me.

right now im mainly training my skills, but i make sure to get in on what ever fleet roams i can.

I already have a few kills on our killboard, and also a few deaths, all but one of them being because of a stupid move on my part lol.

at any rate i really enjoy this and will be keeping at it.

untill next time, fly safe. :)


  1. Hey Sadin, good luck on your pirating adventures. Its definitely the best life in New Eden. You're in good hands with BiggerGuns and Romeo.

  2. I've heard great things about you Wensley, and its an honor to be greeted into pirating by you. :)
